Friday, March 30, 2012


I think I probably have lost my single few followers. I kept meaning to blog but the whole moving 450 miles thing overwhelmed me. Good grief, we have a bunch of junk stuff. We're staying at my parents house in Flower Mound until we get our Memphis house squared away. We *may* have found a renter - a local discipleship ministry in the Memphis area, prayers going out! So the weight thing. Up & down, up & down. But the last two weeks I've been sticking to it. YEP. I have. For real. A few years ago (around 10) my Dad did "Body For Life" hard core and lost a ton of weight and built a ton of muscle. He kept it off for several byears and then after some surgery and some intense chemo type therapy, gained some back. After his rounds of meds were over he found himself tired, physically wiped, and struggling with his weight again. Anyway, he started a workout regimen again and changed his eating back to 5-6 small meals per day. He's cut his body fat % in 1/2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Why? Because it's easier to be on the same program. For accountability, for help, for ease. Because I always start and then stop, start and then stop, start & stop. Also because someone is going to want to swim at some point this summer and that will require me to put on a bathing suit. I know...DANGIT! Do you know my Dad? NEVER ask him to help you / hold you accountable unless you mean it. Because he does. For real. He even calls me when we're not together to make sure I'm eating at my scheduled time. He's THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO THIS YO YO DIETER. So last week was my first week. I ate by the clock but I have to say, very modest "meals". I used to think I would never do this because I wouldn't want to figure out what to eat that often. I was wrong, it's not a big deal at all. I got up & went to the gym and did my weight lifting & cardio routines. I lost 3.2 pounds. I had a "free day" on Sunday and I ate cake and mexican food - YUMMY! I've done it all again this week and even included some "extra" classes & walks. Weigh in day is Sunday. EEK! I'm hoping to see great results from all my hard work. I'm so proud of myself! I actually LIKE it. I eat small enough portions of a protein and a carb each time to be hungry again by the next 3 hour mark. The best part is that (so far) I NEVER get so hungry that I cheat and just eat whatever I can get my hands on. When I think (like tonight) that I really want something (ice cream) I know I can look forward to Sunday and have it then.'s the best of all that I've done in the past. A consistent workout routine that includes weight training. Well balanced meals, all food groups, small portions, limited sugar, and a day to "splurge". On a side note - I took my first Zumba class this week. It was umm... interesting. Fun? Maybe. Weird? Definitely. Hard? Absolutely! I wonder what someone would do if you busted those moves out in a club? Do you think chicks do? I think they do. HAHA! That's making me LOL.

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